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Colorado Maiden Voyage in our Newly Converted Camper Van

The feeling of *almost* being done with our converted camper van was such a relief! Mostly because we've been working in 90+ degree weather and are beyond ready to ditch the city and take on a weekend in nature!

Before leaving I scrambled to grab some groceries while Andrew finished our sink. *High five* The sink worked without any issues! *Five minutes later* The sink pump wasn't working anymore. If you've worked on any type of project, know how it goes. After an hour of working on the sink Andrew had fixed it and we were ready to take off. I couldn't believe 1) how easy it was to pack because most things stay in the van for each trip and 2) how much room the van has even with our two pups.

We drove off around 7:30pm with huge smiles covering our faces. We knew the general direction we were heading and hoped to find a spot at a place we found on our way back from the Sand Dunes last year. We were welcomed at 9:45pm to Mushroom Gulch by darkness and one empty camping spot right on the river. Success!

Mushroom Gulch, Colorado

Our first sleep in the van

Ok ok, we're all adults here. We started the night cuddling nakey under our quilt and sheet. Hour by hour we woke up adding layers of clothing because we were freezing. We know it gets cold at night in Colorado but what we didn't realize was we were at an elevation of 9,725 feet. I held off packing extra blankets and our down comforter because I didn't think it would be that cold yet but you always need layers - blankets included. We slept in until 8:00 and were greeted by the warmth of the sun and fresh mountain air.

Waking up and swinging the back doors open to our stunning view was magical. This! This was van life! We had a slow morning cooking breakfast, watching the pups run around and taking in our views. Around 11:00 we decided to pack up and head further west to meet friends at their campsite.

Canon City, Colorado

Night Two

This was my first time driving from Buena Vista through Salida to Canon City, Colorado and the camera was clicking. The views were incredible like most of Colorado. It was especially nice because you drive along the Arkansas River which offers a lot of different views and public lands to enjoy.

We pulled on a dirt road which led to our friend's campsite. At first glance it looked totally manageable. 100 feet into it we started having trouble getting over the rocks in our van. I pulled out my camera to capture this "excitement" when I ended up recording our defeat. I was getting so nervous because the road was narrow and we could easily roll the van off. I had six or so inches before my tire hit the edge and said "STOP!" Andrew agreed to reverse and rethink the situation.

We walked the dirt road which was probably 600 feet long and quickly learned it was NOT HAPPENING. There were several sketchy spots for the van and absolutely no turning back if we got stuck. We found a shaded spot nearby to camp for the night.

That afternoon was blazing hot and full of flies attacking us. (I just ordered this for our next trip to see if it helps repel flies.) We left the pups behind to cool off in the van and went on a little hike. The views were gorgeous and the wildfire smoke was better here than in Denver but still present. You can see the smoke in the photos above.

We spent the evening watching the sunset, shooting skeet and hanging out.

Arkansas River

Headed Home

We had an earlier morning and watched the sunrise over the mountains as we drank our coffee and loved on the pups. By time we worked out, ate breakfast, and packed up it was only 9:15am. We decided to head towards home and stop when we found somewhere cool.

Shortly after our drive started we found the perfect spot to stop on the Arkansas River to take a swim in the refreshingly cold water. Little moments like being able to easily change into your bathing suit in the van is when I appreciate it so much. The water was shockingly cold but so worth it. I instantly noticed a huge relief in my sinus pressure and head from the wildfire smoke.

Side note: We are huge fans of our new Turkish cotton towels for #vanlife. They are super absorbent, dry fast and take up little space. Highly recommend!


Along the way I take note of good places to stop or stay in the future. Here are a few recommendations because sharing is caring. :)

  • Salida, Colorado - Downtown Salida was much larger and cuter than I expected. It's a great place to walk around in little shops or grab a bite to eat.

  • Rincon Campground on Arkansas River - There were several campgrounds along the Arkansas River but this one stood out because it was on the other side of the river away from the road. The campsites looked spaced out and private.

  • Fairplay, Colorado - The high plains are my absolute favorite! They are a place of their own where colors are abundant and animals are feeding in luscious fields. I highly suggest driving through or staying a night here in the Summer to experience the landscapes. It truly has a calming affect!

Thanks for reading and I hope to share many more adventures!

Next stop 👉🏼 Yellowstone!