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My Experience with Invisalign at I Ortho

I had decently straight teeth growing up so I opted out of getting braces because I obviously was the favorite child who didn't cost their parents $5,000+ for metal on their teeth...and duh, I didn't want them! My teeth really never bothered me until my mid-twenties.

Below are some images to show you how my teeth looked before starting Invisalign. My main concern was one of my front teeth was slightly crooked so in photos light would hit it and make it look even worse!

Fast forward to last year when I had the opportunity to get Invisalign and I was thrilled. I had no idea what to expect because when friends and family had theirs I really didn't care to hear about them because it wasn't something I was even interested in at the time.

[ For all the details on my Invisalign journey, go to my instagram and click on my "invisalign" story highlight.]

My first visit at i Ortho was a great experience--all of the staff is welcoming and sincerely helpful. In my visit, they took before images of my teeth and scanned them with a machine called iTero. It amazed me. They ran a small device over my teeth that formulated a 3D image of my teeth on a screen. A simulated version of my teeth was populated of what to expect as my results. See the images below to check out what I'm talking about:

You can schedule your FREE consultation with I Orthodontics and and receive $250 off your treatment with my code KRISSY.

They ordered my trays and I went back a few weeks later to start my journey! Dr. I and Oscar were so helpful and answered all of my questions.

Each week you change your tray into a new one. You take them out only to eat and clean them. (I have to admit I wasn't the best at wearing them 24/7 but I definitely did my very best!) . The length of time you have trays depends on your smile. I was prescribed to wear mine for around 6 months before going back to have them fine tune any final changes. Today was the day I went back for that appointment and I have eight more trays (so another 2 months) and I'm done!

My truth...It was 100% worth it.

I had a reaction to my tray the first day I wore it. I'm allergic to latex (which is not present in Invisalign), however they coat the trays with some sort of solution that I *think* may be similar or related to latex. I developed a sore throat quickly. I took out the trays and instantly my sore throat went away. I decided to soak them overnight in denture cleaner to see if it would remove whatever was causing this reaction. Thankfully it worked! In the beginning I felt like it was going to be a lot of work to remember to put them back in after meals. After a few weeks it was normal and I didn't blink an eye. Fast forward six months later and I laugh thinking back that I was struggling. It was SO worth it and SO easy!

Again, if you are interested I 100% recommend i Ortho and they are offering you a free consultation and $250 off your treatment! Use my code KRISSY.